Wednesday 27 March 2019

Bridge collapse

Bridge collapse

On Tuesday the 26th of March 2019 at around 5:30pm the Waiho
bridge collapsed. This bridge was 20 years old. Many people
mostly tourist were stranded in hast because they could not get
over the bridge which is south of franz Joseph.

The river was record flooding and strong winds which I believe
made the 20 year old bridge collapse. Luckily no one was on the
bridge when it collapsed. A few people saw what happened so if
you search up the video you can find it. I saw the video and it is
like dominos because 1 bit of the bridge falls into the water and
soon enough the others follow.

It is not just the bridge that has collapsed because of flooding
people have had to evacuate their houses, schools are closed
(luckily not mine) and roads have been shut down.

I have gone across that bridge twice and am amazed that it could collapse like that. I would like to thank the civil defence and
the police for closing down the bridge 30 minutes before it
collapsed also for all the other help they have done in situations
like this.

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