Saturday 4 April 2020

Life in Isolation


  1. Hi Molly

    How are you doing? It seems like life if pretty busy for you in lock down. You are very lucky to live on your lifestyle block. There will be lots of things you can do to help out!
    We have been very lucky with the great weather.
    I have kept myself busy painting our fence and in my garden and glass house. My tomatoes are very good this year. And we just picked 24 pumpkins from our patch!
    I look forward to reading some more of your work that you are doing at home.

    Talk again soon

    Mrs Costello :)

    1. Hi Mrs Costello

      I am doing good thank you. 24 pumpkins is a lot, how was your short holiday? I am sorry you had to come back early.

      Molly :)


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