Wednesday 1 January 2020

Week 4 Day 3 Activity 1


  1. Hi Molly,
    that sounds cool. I do not know what I would be maybe a farmer of vet or even a preschool teacher because I love playing with baby's. I like the photo it drew me to this task. I like that you want to be a fruit farmer but were would you live because I don think that they will grow on the Coast?
    nice work

    1. Hi Jess

      Your jobs sound cool. There are some fruit farmers on the coast. Did you see in the newspaper about that person who sells raspberries out in Cameron's. She also grows a lot of other fruit like feijoas. When we went up there to get raspberries, she showed us another type of raspberry called salmon raspberry.

      Thanks for the comment
      Molly :)

    2. Hi Molly,
      Wow I didn´t know that. yum I love feijoas. Do you like them? I drive through Camerons every time I go to town and have never herd of them.

    3. Hi Jess
      They are a bit of I think up Camerons road right at the end. I like feijoas, we have some in the garden.

  2. Kia Ora Molly, Katelynn here!

    This is a great blog post on what you would like to do in the future. I like how you have add images, they add a lot of colour to the presentation. When I am older I would like to live on a farm, own a mustang, own lots of dogs and so much more.

    What types of fruit would you grow in your garden?

    Would you have a really big house or a small normal sized house? I would like a medium sized house, not to big but not to small. Having a cool house would be awesome!


    1. Hey

      I would like to have a big house so there will be plenty of room. I would grow raspberries, feijoas and a few other fruits.


  3. Hi Molly

    Well, you are going to be a very busy person when you get older. Both of the two jobs that you have talked about will keep you very busy.
    Both of these will also be a bit of time at university too first.
    I love the idea that in your spare time you will grow lots of fruit. That would be an awesome thing to do when you are not working. I love both raspberries and peaches! You could sell them at your gate. I would definitely buy some!

    Having a cool house is an awesome dream to have. It is a good thing when you are older to be able to decorate a house with all of your favourite things. So much fun!

    Great job Molly, I hope your dreams come true!

    Until next time

    Allie :)

    1. Hi Allie

      I am not sure what sort of things I would decorate my house with do you have any ideas?

      Thanks for the comment


  4. Hi Molly

    I imagine you will have lots of plants and animals things.
    I always like to have some flowers in my house too!


    1. Hi Allie

      Thanks for the ideas,my dad is not that very good at growing flowers but at the moment I do have some that the neighbours gave us.



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