Wednesday 1 January 2020

Week 4 Day 3 Activity 3


  1. Hi Molly

    The forty hours famine has been a great way of raising money for many years for children in third world countries. Yes I agree forty hours is a long time for someone to go without food. But a lot of adults can do this. The twenty hour one was designed more with children in mind.
    Now they also have a technology challenge. Where you have to go without technology for 20 or 40 hours.
    I think there would be some adults and kids that would really struggle with this one.
    I recently went to our bach for my two days off and we have not cell phone coverage or wifi, tv, or computers. It was just great to get away from my chromebook for a couple of days. That was all the time I have had off from commenting.

    Well done Molly,

    Allie :)

    1. Hi Allie
      It wouldn't be hard for me to do the technology one as long I am occupied. Have you done a eating famine before?


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