Monday 23 March 2020

Explaining how tides work

Do you know how tides work?
I am not sure either but with a
little bit of research I will be
able to tell you.

The moon's gravity pull makes
something called a tidal force.
This causes the earth and the
water closest to the moon to bulge
out. The side furthest from the
moon also bulges out and this
causes high and low tide. The high
and low tides are made from the

Because of the earth's rotation
on most coastlines around the
world there will be 2 high tides
and 2 low tides everyday. 

The way the tides are formed is
by the rise and fall of the ocean

One of the things that are
affected by tides is fishing. The
best time to go fishing is in
between the tides. You can find
out what the tide is by going on
the internet.  

Hopefully you have learnt about
tides and the next time you go
fishing check what time the best
time is.

Image result for tides


  1. Hi Molly
    Interesting facts and DLO I really like your poster so creative. I found out today that the spring tide shows up when it's full moon.
    Keep it up
    Viliami T//Glenbrae School

    1. Hey Viliami

      Thanks for another positive comment.

      Great that you have learnt something new. D you think that you will use this information sometime? Maybe if you are going fishing or swimming.


  2. Hi molly it was great to learn about the tides and how you explained it keep up the good work

    1. Hi Devreaux, thanks for your comment. It is great news to hear that you learnt a bit about tides. Keep up the great commenting
      Molly :)


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