Friday, 27 August 2021

Thursday, 26 August 2021



Alphabet objects

This was one of the choice activities. For this activity you had to find something around the house that starts with every letter of the alphabet. I have got everything on this list except for the xylophone.

Acrostic #2

This is my second acrostic poem. This poem had to be based on something around you or something you do. I play netball.

Acrostic poem #1

 My first acrostic poem

The journey from beans to bar

For this activity we needed to do a diagram showing the journey from the cocoa beans to the chocolate bar.

Word Map

 This is the second chocolate activity. For this activity we had to chose one of the words given (I chose consumer), We then had to add our definition and how it relates to chocolate. The other thing we had to do was add an image of your words. I chose someone consuming Doritos.

Chocolate on the map

This week T1's reading task was all about chocolate. Here was our first activity.

The chart below shows the two main groups of countries involved in making and using chocolate.

  1. The consumers: The people who buy and eat the chocolate

  2. The producers: The countries that grow the cocoa plants that chocolate is made from

Top chocolate consuming countries

Top cocoa producing countries


Ivory Coast









United Kingdom




Part 1: Google My Map

  1. Create a new Google My Map. Use this introduction to help you.

  2. Give your my map the title: Chocolate on the Map.

  3. Write a brief description of what your map shows e.g This map shows the location of the top producers of cocoa and the top consumers of chocolate in the world.

  4. On your google my map pin each of the above countries.  

  5. Use blue markers for consumers and red markers for producers.  

  6. Add a picture and a fact about each of the countries to your pin.

Link your map here

Part 2: Reflection

Now that you have marked all of your countries, take a look at your map and answer the following question.

  1. What does this map show us about where cocoa is produced and where the product chocolate is eaten? The poorer countries grow the cocoa and the richer countries consume it. All the countries that grow cocoa are close to the equator

  1. Why do you think this is? Give as many reasons as you can.

Area - Cocoa can only grow within 20 degrees north and south of the equator.

Money - People who grow cocoa only profit between $0.50 and $0.84 a day. Richer people will want the normal wage of about $20 an hour. This is why the poorer countries grow cocoa.

  1. Which countries do you think benefit the most from the production of chocolate?

I think the countries that profit the most are the ones who use the cocoa to make chocolate or the ones who eat the chocolate. Both Switzerland and Ghana would profit.

  1. Why do you think this is? Give as many reasons as you can.

As stated above I said the ones who consume the chocolate and the ones that make it.

Thursday, 19 August 2021

Shape poem

 Another poem we wrote is a shape poem. This is basically just a little story in a shape. The story has to be about that shape. I did mine on midwinter Christmas so I used the shape of a Christmas tree.

Memory poem

Another poem we wrote is a memory poem. A memory poem is where you write a poem based on a memory. No words have to rhyme but our poem must start with remember. I did mine on the cooks straight ferry ride.

Diamante poem

Another poem we did was a diamante poem. A diamante poem is similar to a  cinquain. A diamante is in the shape of a diamond and has 7 lines. My Diamante poem is on Smile and frown.

Cinquain poem

 This term we have been learning about and writing different types of poems. One of the poem we did was a cinquain. A cinquain poem consists of 5 lines. The first line is a noun, the second is 2 adjectives describing that noun, the third line is 3 verbs, the forth line is a phrase and the fifth is a synonym for the noun. Here is mine on a tiger.