Wednesday 18 December 2019

Week 2 Day 2 Activity 2


  1. Hi Molly

    Great work with this activity. This is a really serious thing that is happening in the world. I think that people around the world really did stand up and take notice of all of these students that didn't go to school so they could protest about climate change.
    Their thinking was that it was going to be them that is effected most by it, so they should be the ones doing something about it. This makes a a lot of sense if you think about it.
    You will see so much more of the effects of this than me.
    If we all can do our bit to help hopefully it will slow it down. If each country also takes come responsibility for their own space that would be great also.

    Great work Molly

    Until next time

    Allie :)

    1. Hey Allie
      I agree if every country and everyone help we can slow climate change down. Hopefully n the next 2 or so years more people and countries pick up on the damage it is doing and help stop it.


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