Friday 1 November 2019

Dressing up Halloween

One of the Halloween activities yesterday was dressing up. This first started a long time ago when people believed on Halloween the bad spirits would steal there crops if they recognised them. They would dress up lots f things but over the years Halloween is becoming different here is some of the photos that I took for our group in our costumes.

 To the left is me dressed up. I guess I am a mix of things with a vampires cape.
 To the right is Tom he has got call glasses some sort of hat and like me has a verity of different things.
 here is Shakeria withe me in the background. she has a wig and some sort of cloth wrapped around her.
 This is Rowan with a wig and the same glasses as Tom. He also has a white top on.
This is Mrs foster and Mrs Gully. Mrs Gully is wearing her wedding dress and a wig while Mrs Foster is wearing a brown wig and some sort of top.
 Karrisa is wearing a black wig and a white top.
Here is Aoife who is wearing some sort of viking hat and shall.
Here is all of us this was a really fun activity.

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