Wednesday 2 January 2019

Summer learning journey day 4 week 3


  1. Hi Molly

    This is a really great acrostic poem that you have come up with for describing the Southern Lights. This is truly an amazing thing that occurs. I have never seen it but i do know that you can see it from Greymouth on the odd occasion. I have seen photos that people have taken from Point Elizabeth before. Amazing!!
    It would be quite the experience.

    Great summarising of this myth and legends Molly. This is one of the most well known myth I think. I also listen to the teachers read it each year when it is time for Matariki. The maori new year is a big thing in their culture so it is really good to have these awesome stories about how they came about.

    This image does so look like a giant floating moustache. Imagine lying back in the grass looking up at the clouds and seeing a giant moustache float on by! That would be really funny!

    Great work with all of your posts Molly. You have put in so my effort it is awesome to see.
    I don't know if you know but I am a little bit sad that Richard has copied on of your poems and put it on his blog. I hope that you are ok about this. I have told me to redo his poem in his own words if he wants to get points for it. I am sorry that he did this to your hard work.

    Until next time

    Allie :)

  2. Kia ora Allie

    I had no idea that people can see the southern lights from Greymouth, at point Elisabeth we go there every Christmas and sometimes though the year.


  3. Hello Molly!

    It's Katelynn here!

    WOW! You have put awesome work into your poem. It is really good and also sounds quite good when you say it out loud. You have done a great job on summarising the story. Maybe next time you could add a picture of the story. The moustache cloud looks really cool imagine looking up at the sky and seeing a cloud shaped like a moustache. It would be really cool but also really weird. Don't you think?

    Did you have fun completing all of these activities?
    How long did it take you to complete all of them?

    Keep up this amazing work Molly!



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