Monday 14 January 2019

Summer Learning Journey Week 4 day 4


  1. Hello Molly,
    I am Vitaraag. Tourists definitely don't want to be bored. My favorite part was when you made the slogan. Maybe next time you could add more information.


    1. Hi Vitaraag
      Next time I will try to add a bit more information.

  2. Hi Molly!

    I'm one of the commenters for the Summer Learning Journey.

    That's a nice way of presenting your completed activities. Be sure to attribute the images in your presentation, though! It helps to avoid plagiarism (taking someone else's work - in this case, images). I'll leave a link to how to do it:

    I absolutely love the slogan for the first activity! "Solutions not pollutions!" What a slogan! It's got a nice rhyme that would stick with the public! For the second activity, I definitely agree. Going plastic-bag free will help the country with waste management and cutting down the damage it does to the environment!

    Despite the disagreement (I agree - it's a limit on the amount of people allowed to visit, not a complete ban of tourists), you have made some good points on avoiding more damage to Machu Picchu, which would definitely preserve the site for many years to come!

    Keep up the good work! :D


    1. Hi Willy

      I am glad you agree with going plastic bag free, because it ends up in the sea and some fish will eat it.
      As you might of read tourists don't want to be bored, and if other people are going there then they are doing it right in front of there noses. Which I don't think is fair.



Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comments.