Monday 16 December 2019

Day 4 Activity 3


  1. Kia Ora!

    Wow Molly nice work on this one! You have made a really cool poster about NZ! Well done. You have picked some really fun things to do while in New Zealand.

    I had never heard of Hanmer Springs before. I looked it up and it looks amazing! Have you been there before? It looks like so much fun!

    I haven’t been to the glowworm caves before either. I also think they look amazing! I would really like to go! What do you think they would look like? Do you think they would look like stars?

    The Tree Church would be a really interesting thing to visit. I didn’t know you could use trees to make buildings but it works! How did you know about the Tree Church? I had never heard of it before either.

    Well done on this one Molly. Until next time

    Matilda :)

    1. Hi Matilda

      Yes I have been to Hanmer springs because it is not that far away from Greymouth. It takes approximately 2 hours and 41 minutes to get there. I went there for camp last year and it was so much fun. I haven't been on the brand new slide thou.

      Yes I do think the caves would look like stars, I have been to see glow worms I can't remember much about them though. Have you seen glow worms before?

      This popped up when I was looking for cool places to visit and I really want to go there because r is hard t shape trees and in the shape of a church?

      What sort of attractions do you have in Auckland?



  2. Morning Molly!

    Hanmer Springs would be such a fun place to visit on school camp! You must have had an amazing time!

    I haven't ever seen glowworms but I would really like to! Where did you see them?

    In Auckland there are quite a few attractions. We have the Skytower, the museum, the art gallery, and Kelly Tarltons. Have you ever been to Auckland and seen any of these?


    1. Morning

      I am not quite sure where we went to see the glow worms but I think they where just off the road on the way to Hokitika or somewhere around there. That was 2 years ago so they might not be there any more.

      Have you been to all these attractions? I haven't been to Auckland except the airport when we were on the way to Europe.


    2. Hey,

      I have been to all of these places. We used to do school trips to the museum and Kelly Tarltons. It was quite cool seeing big stingrays up close.

      I think I would like to do a trip to go see Hanmer Springs. You make it sound amazing!


    3. Hey

      Is Kelly Tarltons the place with the sting rays because I have never heard of that place.


    4. Hey Molly,

      Yes, Kelly Tarltons is an aquarium we have in Auckland. They have all sorts of really cool sea life. Have you ever been to an aquarium before?


    5. Hey Matilda
      No I have never been to an aquarium before how many times have you been?

    6. I have only been once, when I was very young! Do you think you would like an aquarium? My sister didn't really like it.

    7. Hey
      I think I would but I don't think I would like seeing stingrays. Did you like it?

    8. Hey

      I was a bit scared of the stingrays at first. They turned out to be quite cool though :)


    9. Hey
      My parents have seen a stingray at he beach do they sting you very often?

    10. Hey

      I don't think they sting people very often... I think that they are quite gentle animals. Maybe you could look into it? I'd be interested to know if people get stung by them a lot.

      Were your parents scared when they saw the stingray at the beach? I would be!



Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comments.