Friday 27 December 2019

Week 3 Day 4 Activity 2


  1. Sounds good, and do you help your father in the garden?

  2. You forgot to mention not using the car much and biking lots

    1. Yes I didn't think of that. I should of put exercising with my sports I play.

  3. Hey Molly!

    Well done making this list of healthy habits you and your family have. Eating fruit as snacks is a really good way of making sure you eat enough fruit everyday! Plus it stops you from eating unhealthy things instead! What are you favourite fruits to eat as snacks?

    Home grown fruit and veggies are the best in my opinion! What are some fruits and veggies that your family grow?

    What does it mean to you, to have a balanced diet? How do you make sure your diet is balanced?


    1. Hey Matilda!

      My favourite fruit snack would be peaches, what would be your favourite?

      We grow raspberries, apples and pears but we only planted them in the last few years so there is only seldom of those. We also grow asparagus, cape gooseberries, carrots, blueberries, tomatoes, lettuce and I am sure there are a few I can not think of.

      Do you have a garden? If so what fruits and veges do you grow?

      To me having a balanced diet means not only eating meat products or milk products but have a mix of everything. What does it mean to you?

      Thanks for the comment


    2. Hey Molly,

      Your garden sounds amazing! We don't have a garden yet but I really want to start one and grow lettuces, cucumbers, and tomatoes.

      I really like your definition of a balanced diet! It's very good. Having a balanced diet to me means having a little bit of everything each day. (And trying not to have too many lollies and chocolates)


    3. Hey Matilda
      I forgot we also grow cucumbers and zucchinis. Your definition is good as well. What have you done this afternoon? I went to the movies.


Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comments.