Monday 16 December 2019

Day 1 Activity 1


  1. Hey Molly!

    My name is Matilda. I live in Auckland, and this summer I am working as one of the blog commenters that will be reading and commenting on your blog posts. I am really looking forward to reading everything you post for the summer learning journey, and getting to know you a bit better!

    Wow nice work on this blog post! You have done a good job to think of 10 food items to take with you to sea for three weeks! I especially love that you have given me reasons for why you would bring them. I can tell you have thought carefully about bringing foods that will taste good and give you energy!

    If it was hot at sea the cheese and chocolate may start to melt… Can you think of any ways to stop this from happening without using a fridge or freezer?

    Keep up the amazing work! I really enjoyed reading this blog post and look forward to reading more!


    1. Hi Matilda
      I cant wait to get to know you over the holidays. I didn't think about if the cheese and chocolate might start to melt. I could bring an ice box and put the cheese and chocolate in there. Can you think of a better way?
      Blog you later

    2. Hey Molly,

      I think that an ice box is a really good idea. It would definitely stop your cheese and chocolate from melting! Plus you could put your apples and tomatoes in it to help them last longer! I wonder if you could invent something while you're on board to keep the food cool?

      Are you on holiday yet? What are your plans for the summer?

      Nice thinking for this one! You've done amazing work so far!

      Matilda :)

    3. Hi Matilda

      I am not really going on holidays this summer just staying at home. Are you going any where? Or are you to busy with the SLJ.


    4. Hi Molly

      Staying at home will be nice! Do you have any pet or siblings you can play with over summer?

      I will be busy with SLJ! But I will go visit my grandparents for Christmas :)


    5. Hi Matilda

      I have got one brother. The animals that we have at home are cows and sheep. Do you have pets?


    6. Hi Molly

      I love cows! I think they are such cool pets!

      I have two little dogs and three cats.


    7. I would love a cat because you don't have to take as much care as for dogs. My mum is allergic thou. How old are your animals?

    8. Hey again!

      I'm allergic to cats too so it can be a bit tricky sometimes :P
      My cats are three years, one dog is two years and the other dog is only a few months old... he's still a baby!

      Matilda :)

    9. Hi
      What happens when your allergy strikes? Do your cats and dogs get on with each other?

    10. Hey!

      My pets all play really nicely together. They're really well behaved.
      When my hay fever gets really bad I have to take some medicine to stop the sneezing!

      Matilda :)

    11. Kia ora

      Does your hay fever trigger very often?


  2. Hi Molly,
    These are good things you should pack I have a question would the Cabbage be to heavy and big to bring with you?

    1. Hi Richard
      Lets imagine this is a giant sailing boat.Then there will be enough room for everything.


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