Thursday 26 December 2019

Week 3 Day 2 Activity 3


  1. It was clever of you to learn coding so quickly, do you do coding at school?

    1. Hi
      We did coding on Wednesdays with Mr Abbott at school.


  2. Hey again Molly!

    What was your favourite part about this activity? Have you done very much coding before? Do you think you would like to do it again?

    I really like how you did the coding more than once! Awesome work trying the harder levels!

    I really like your second piece of coding! It looks a lot harder! I didn’t know you could use repeat blocks. It looks like it could be quite handy!

    I wonder what other shapes you could make on the coding? Have you done any more coding since you posted this activity?

    Nice work giving this activity such a good go! I’m really impressed!


  3. Hey Matilda

    My Favourite part in this activity was posting this post. The reason for this is because I don't really like coding. I am sure you can make any shape you want with coding. I haven't done any coding since I posted this activity but before hand we did a lot of coding on Wednesdays at school. Have you done coding before?

    Thanks for the helpful comment

    Molly :)

    1. Hey!

      What sorts of things would you code on Wednesdays at school? I did coding a few times at school. We got to make games. It was quite fun but really hard.


    2. Hey

      We would sometimes go onto a coding site with lots of different activities like the pixel one. Or we would do coding activities with out using our Chromebooks. One of the things we would use were these little bugs which had arrows and stuff like that on the back and you would have to try and code the thing right around the class room. Only me and my friend Ruby managed to do it. What would you do for coding?


    3. Hey!

      That sounds so cool! When I did coding we had to code a mouse to go find some cheese :)


    4. Hey
      Was this on your device?


Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comments.