Monday 30 December 2019

Week 4 Day 1 Activity 2


  1. Funny, I would expected more " Hey nony no. Twas the first day of the new moon of Saint Stevens." Who is Shakespeare anyway?

  2. Hey Molly

    Wow! If you hadn’t put the regular English next to it I would have no idea what the Shakespearean English said! The way they talked was really funny isn't it? I don’t know how they were able to understand each other!

    I really liked this activity! Did you have fun turning your writing into shakespeare English?

    Have you heard of any of his plays or poems? His play Romeo and Juliet is so popular that there are lots of movies based off of it! Have you seen any?

    I wonder what it would be like to talk like this everyday? Do you think you could do it? I think that it would be really fun, I would probably get a bit confused though.

    Well done on this one Molly! I had a lot of fun reading it!


    1. Hey Matilda,

      Yes I think it is funny and weird. I don't know how they would of been able to talk to each other like that but then of course they were born learning that language.

      I had lots of fun doing this activity because it is so funny the way it turns out to be. I had a play with this site for a while. Have you used this app?

      I haven't heard any of his plays or poems but I have got a whole lot of Shakespeare books at home. This includes Romeo and Juliet. I haven't seen any of the movies have you?

      I think I wouldn't be able to do it since I have been talking regular English all my life. Do you think you could do it?

      Thanks for another amazing comment

      Molly :)

    2. Hey Molly,

      I had a play around on the site today but apart from that I have never used it.

      Have you read any of the Shakespeare books you have at home? Disney made a kids movie based off Romeo and Juliet called Gnomeo and Juliet. Have you heard of it?

      I don't think that I would be able to talk like that everyday!


    3. Hey Matilda
      I have read all the Shakespeare books at home I think there kids version but am not sure. I haven't heard or watched the movie have you watched it?

    4. Hey Molly,

      It's cool if they are kids versions! If it was the original story it would be very hard to read!

      I have watched it a few times. It's quite funny!

      Matilda :)


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