Monday 16 December 2019

Day 3 Activity 3


  1. Don't you think it would be better to discourage him becoming a spy. You know he could be caught, interrogated and executed by the country he is spying on.

    1. True, You have now give me a decision should I support it or not? It is his dream job!

  2. Hi Molly

    It is very interesting that Richard would like to be a spy. Sounds like a very exciting but also a very dangerous lifestyle. I can just see him sneaking around somewhere looking for people or information.
    Maybe you could encourage him to be an actor an he could play James Bond or another spy on the big screen. That way he could have the excitement of being a spy without the danger!

    What about you Molly, what would you like to do when you get older. Any ideas?
    I am sure that you could be whatever you would like to be!

    Another great activity completed Molly!!

    Good work!

    Until next time

    Allie :)

    1. Hi Allie

      I really don't know if he will be persuaded to become an actor. He doesn't really like that much makeup and stuff like that. I think I would like to study law. What job would you have liked if yo couldn't become a librarian/teacher?


  3. Hi Molly

    I think I would love to be a florist. I would love to work with flowers all day long! It would be a very peaceful day!

    Allie :)

    1. Hey
      That seems like a great choice, selling flowers unless you have an allergy.


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