Sunday 22 December 2019

Week 2 Day 4 Activity 3


  1. Hey Molly!

    Thank you for sharing this piece of advice from your dad. My dad used to tell me the same thing when I was a child. I think it is a good lesson for everyone to learn.

    What are some other wise words your dad says? My dad always tells me to try my best, and to do things that make me happy. Does your dad say either of those things?

    Are there any pieces of advice that you tell your friends? One of my friends is a fussy eater, so I try to remind her to try things once before she decides if she likes it or not. Is there any advice you give to your friends?

    I love how every post I see from you is really well done. You have taken your time with each of them. Awesome work!


    1. Hey Matilda

      My dad says those things your dad says as well. That is funny one of my friends is a fussy eater as well. Me and my other friends tel her to try it. She is not bad anymore.

    2. What sorts of things do you encourage your friend to eat? My friend doesn't like to try anything new! She pretty much eats the same thing everyday! I try to encourage her to try new vegetables.

    3. Hey Matilda
      We just ask her to eat stuff and she does it but like I said she is not bad now.


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