Monday 21 December 2020

Which one is different




  1. Kia ora Molly

    My name is Renee and I am from the Summer Learning Journey Team.

    Ka pai on your excellent work on this blog post. In particular, it is awesome that you managed to spot so many differences for each group of images. Which group of four images was your favourite to review and why?

    I have really enjoyed analysing the four original images of rubik's cubes you shared in your post. The differences I noticed were:

    The first cube (counting the four squares from left to right and top to bottom, as if you are reading a book) is the only one where the colours are mixed up (as opposed to being grouped together with all the same colour on one side).
    The third cube is the only one that includes a circle in the middle of each side.
    The second cube is the only one that features a smiley face.
    The third cube is the only one where the majority of the squares are black, with a colourful outline. The other cubes feature squares that are mainly a bright colour and then rimmed in black.

    What other differences can you spot?

    Ngā mihi nui and keep up the excellent mahi.

    Renee (SLJ)

    1. Hey Renee

      Thanks for your comment,

      My favourite set of 4 would have to be each set of the Santas. That is because When I did this post it was before Christmas and it relates so well to Christmas. What is your favourite set of 4?

      You have done really well in finding the differences in mine. For the forth one I also found that it is the only one with a completed side of green.

      Molly :)


Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comments.