Monday 28 December 2020

Its cool to be kind


I found this activity easy. I went onto the last comment that was posted on my blog which was on December the 20th. I then replied and that was a SLJ activity complete. For the step it up we had to fill out a form and put the link to the comment in. I also did that.


  1. Kia Ora Molly,

    My name is Zana and I am a blog commenter from the Summer Learning Journey.

    I like activities like this as it teaches you about cyber safety while also encouraging you to practice writing and sharing your positive, helpful and thoughtful quality comments.

    I thought your comment was definitely a quality one, you thanked her for the comment and answered her question. Next time you could ask a question in return to encourage them to reply and start a comment thread.

    Did you get an opportunity to play the cyber game in the activity, if so how did you enjoy it?

    I also see in your post below that you have been posting and sharing some positive, helpful and thoughtful comments so don't forget all comments that are positive, thoughtful or helpful will receive points. Remember to submit a link to your published comment using this form.

    Happy Holidays, Keep up the great work and I hope to see more of your posts over the summer.

    Ngā mihi nui,
    Zana Yates

    1. Hey Zana

      Thanks for your comments.

      I didn't play they game I must of missed it but just before I went back to play it. I did enjoy the game. I have done a few comments and submitted them. How many points do you get for commenting?

      Thanks again

      Molly :)


Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comments.