Saturday 23 January 2021

Picnic kick start

 It was far to wet and rainy to have a picnic so I decided to have mine indoors. My first step was to make some food for the picnic. I made some banana and blueberry muffins. Next I packed the bag, got the picnic blanket and some cushions. Next set them out and had the picnic. Below are some photos.


  1. Hey Molly

    Great work on completing this task, You’ve done an awesome job over the summer.

    The Summer learning journey is now over and we’re calculating all the points to figure out our prize winners. Sorry that I don’t have time to leave a really detailed comment but I’m just here to let you know this post will be counted towards your points.

    Well done,
    Hope you have an awesome summer and stay safe.


  2. Kia Ora Molly. Its me Saamiya from Grey main School in T1. I really like how on a rainy day you and your family had an idea of having a picnic inside. I like how everyone in the family is participating and making some muffins but maybe next time you could take some pictures of you making it and also your family but overall you are very creative and I really wanna try this some day.. -Saamiya


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