Monday 11 January 2021

Spinning water

 Today we did another nanogirl activity. Today's activity was learning about gravity. I first did the one where the glass manages to hold the card board take a look.

After that I did the spinning water one. I have done this twice before. Each time successful but....


  1. Hello again Molly, this is Elle from SLJ.

    Ka pai, you have done a great job with the anti-gravity glass nanogirl activity! Thank you for sharing two awesome videos of you testing out the experiments! I really like that it was easy to follow along with and your video was clear and easy to see! I’ll definitely have to have a go at these challenges myself - you’ve made this look like great fun!

    It must have been so scary when the cup full of water flew off the string! You handled that very well! I thought it was amazing that the water stayed inside the cup and that you didn’t get wet! Did you stay dry during your other attempts too?

    Ngā mihi nui and well done! You have been sharing such awesome blog posts!
    Elle (SLJ)

    1. Hey Elle

      The other 2 times I have done this were at school and I managed to stay dry. One of my friends got the water all over her self and another person let go of there string and it went all over someone. Apart from that no one got wet.

      When you try this experiment I would love to know how it goes.

      Thanks for your positive comment.


    2. Kia ora Molly, it is wonderful to hear back from you!

      That is great to hear that you didn’t get wet! Working with water can be rather fiddly sometimes, especially in science experiments! You must have a very steady hand - I get too shaky and always end up splashing it somewhere (or on someone)! I hope your classmate wasn’t too upset about getting water all over them! Accidents happen, as long as they weren’t hurt!

      I will definitely be giving this activity a go and letting you know! It’s nice and warm today, so I might give it a try this afternoon!

      You’re most welcome and thank you for your reply!

      Mā te wā
      Elle (SLJ)

    3. Hey Elle

      Did you give it a go? If so how did it go? The first time I did the spinning water I was nervous to do a loop and nearly did it to slow.

      Sorry for not being active I just came back from holiday. What has been your favourite part of the holidays so far?

      Thanks for all of your reply's,

    4. Mōrena Molly,

      I did have a go! It was actually great fun and went really well, although my little brother’s puppy thought it was a game and tried to catch it! I think a couple of splashes got on her though, because she left me alone eventually (she’s not a big fan of water)!

      That’s okay - no need to apologise. The holidays can be a busy time and I’m glad to hear you’ve been making the most of it! Did you have fun on your holiday? What did you get up to?

      My favourite part of my summer holiday has been getting to catch up with all of my friends in my hometown. I study away from home during the year, and I miss them terribly when I’m gone! I think the most fun thing I’ve done with my friends was have a pizza and board game night. What has been your favourite part of the summer break?

      You’re most welcome - thank you for your replies too!

      Ngā mihi,
      Elle (SLJ)


Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comments.