Saturday 2 January 2021

Food photo collage


I am literally a week behind on activities. Very sorry just have been a bit busy.

For this activity we had to make a photo collage of foods that we eat in the summer. We had to talk about at least 3 of the foods that we chose.

I also did the step it up. I had to do the same just describe the food mentioning the senses.


  1. Kia ora Molly,

    Fiona here from the SLJ team. Firstly Happy New Year!

    Excellent work creating a very bright and eye-catching poster displaying a great selection of summer treats - ka pai! Your selection of foods made my tummy rumble!

    You have done a great job selecting adjectives to describe your foods, like refreshing, bumpy, and smooth - great stuff! I really like the way you have organised your image and included hexagon shaped text boxes to make all the information really clear and eye-catching.

    Does your family have a blueberry farm, or do you grow just a small amount of blueberries for yourselves to eat? I have never grown blueberries - I wonder if they would grow in Auckland.

    You should give yourself a pat on the back for creating another fantastic blog post!

    Mā te wā - I can’t wait to see your other posts over the summer.

    Fiona (SLJ).

    1. Hey Fiona Rua,

      Thanks for the comment,

      We just grow a small amount of blueberries we have 3 bushes. They might grow in Auckland, I don't know though.

      Molly :)


Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comments.